The Ruse

How do they keep the ruse going, when no one is fooled.
When it's plain to see, so many brains have been snoozed.
They have willing deceivers in a sycophant media.
The same folks who want to mainstream pedophelia.
They control teacher's unions that brainwash young minds.
They require obedience, from fools of all walks and kinds.
Totalitarian a-holes and usurpers, don't want to share power.
It's their way or the highway, this is our darkest hour.
They browbeat our children, convincing them right is wrong.
Bullied into believing the bullsh*t the kids go along.
Instead of saying God's dead, they teach there isn't a god.
They forcefeed them the lies from the master of fraud.
Having created a cult of death, they worship abortion.
Planned Parenthood and it's killers are making a fortune.
Human roulette played with babies, the left kills the unborn.
Killed in the womb by doctors, being limb from limb torn.
If there's no god, then there can't be a price to be paid.
Future mother's buy the lies and a pact with Satan is made.
Is the Rapture for innocents who have been murdered at birth.
Who have been denied God's plan of being tested on earth.
The minions of evil don't care, their kingdom is temporal.
They're blinded by Satan's promises which are ephemeral.
The ruse is kept going by those who are willingly blind.
 Who's conscience is destroyed by the scourge of mankind.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/24/23
