What Can I Say

Morals corrupted, scruples nonexistant.
Evil is embraced, no one is repentent.
Shiny baubles excite, God's plan is twisted.
Evil is glorified, God's word resisted.
Amorality reigns, when anything goes.
Women are men wearing hose.
Men are sissified, women go mad.
Nothing is real, everything's sad.
Schools become mills, churning out fools.
Willing anarchists, breaking all rules.
Nothing is sacred, no lessons learned.
Bridges have burned, no one's concerned.
Our path is destruction, nobody cares.
Following leaders with vacant stares.
History's mocked, soon it's rewritten.
In love with untruth, everyone's smitten.
Taken for granted, life is surreal.
Senses are numbed, no one can feel.
Where are we headed, Heaven or Hell.
Our leader's lie, with consumate skill.
The future is ours, so is the past.
How much longer can ignorance last.
Grant us the wisdom, to see the lies.
It's your life to live, what a surprise.
You live then you die, dumb is forever.
Especially woke, a useless endeavor.
Mind in the gutter, head up their a*s.
What are they expecting to come to pass.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/25/23