Choose The Right

Institutionalized corruption, what a wonderful thing.
With a demonrat criminal choir, to which they sing.
Our feckless usurper, claims to be in control.
He's not working for America, he has communist goals.
He has sold out to China, that corruption is fact.
His soul has been  sold to Satan, in a new evil pact.
 Demons sit on his shoulders whispering in both ears.
Bad advice about everything is all that he hears.
There are no right choices, without consulting with God.
Where does he think he'll be led by the master of fraud.
Straight to Hell in a hurry, dragging America with him.
As he kisses Lucifer's butt, fulfilling his every whim.
His base doesn't care, they won't see how he lies.
They want something for nothing, any glittering prize.
The corruption in government, worsens our lives.
In their sought after new world order, no one survives.
If they denigrate our religion and rewrite the Bible.
Their new world order, becomes more than viable.
With no freedom of speech, no more bill of rights.
 American dreams will succomb to a communist blight.
If we don't speak out and be heard it's a fait accompli.
The world will be engulfed in fire and we will all die.
I choose not to die in a worldwide conflagration.
I urge others to choose the right, save our great nation.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/28/23
