Political Insanity

Insane politicians can't be a good thing.
Stupid ideas to the table is all they'll bring.
With thumbs up their a**es, whistling a tune.
A detriment to society, never a boon.
Here we are in two thousand and twenty three.
Assininity is everywhere, it's all we see.
Ridiculous posers, pushing insipid pipedreams.
Eliciting groans and terrified screams.
Unbelievable schmucks, pandering fools.
Scrapings from the bottoms of insane gene pools.
They can sell anything if the buyer's their choir.
No matter how dangerous, no matter how dire.
They'll suck it up, hook, line and sinker.
There's no one on the left who's much of a thinker.
They'll swallow anything, if offered a bribe.
What should we expect, democrats with self-pride?
Not in this Bizarro world, not in these evil times.
When their greatest concern is covering high crimes.
 Concerned with saving face, not the republic.
Riling up stupid voters with their outrageous hysterics.
Insanity runs deep in the demonrat's circles.
The truth won't be found, not one single kernel.
All out for theirselves, no concern for a neighbor.
Always buying votes with the fruits of our labor.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/28/23