Choosing Wrong

You chose what is wrong, and you're happy with Biden.
You created the foul wind on which our future is ridin'.
You chose the wrong path and then put on blinders.
You can't see he's compromised, the constant reminders.
You chose the wrong agenda, to give your support.
Justice will be meted out, in a much higher court.
You chose to murder your baby, extinguish it's life.
How can that not be like, stabbing your soul with a knife.
You chose something for nothing, and smirked in our faces.
You chose to be miserable, in your supposed safe spaces.
You chose the communist bandwagon as it's hurtling to Hell.
You chose to believe liars telling you everything's swell.
You chose not to lie in your bed, choosing Lucifer's pocket.
You chose to disavow God, in favor of Lucifer's docket.
You chose to be brainwashed and then brainwash others.
You chose to not see the tears of your estranged mothers.
You chose temporal vices that are destroying your soul.
You chose to cast your fate to the wind, into a blackhole.
You chose evil over good, you chose sin over virtue.
You chose Lucifer over God, refusing God's loving nurture.
You chose lies over truth, you chose the mark of the beast.
You chose damnation over salvation and care not in the least.
You can still choose the right path and our Savior's atonement.
If you Come to God with contrite heart and are truly repentent.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/29/23