Answer Us This

What's happened to sanity, It's been swept under the rug.
Why does our system of justice favor democrat thugs?
Why does president Humpty-Dumpty, continue to fall?
Why does he think he can run, why doesn't he crawl.
Do democrats really think he's spry as a spring chicken?
Doesn't Joe realize that by old age he's been stricken.
Has Biden been vain his whole life, thinking, he's all that.
Does he need to be told who he is, or where he's at.
Is Joe surrounded by liars, is he part of that crowd.
Why is his pallor so pale, is he close to the shroud.
Color me curious, but doesn't everyone want to know.
Who's pulling Joe's strings, who runs this clown show.
Is it time for Joe's speeches to be written in braile.
Is he the blind leading the blind, the wrong chief to hail.
Is Joe going to Hell in a handbasket, is he falling apart.
If heads start to roll, would his head be a good start.
Is Joe's honesty compromised, is Joe the "Big Guy"
Does Joe think we're so stupid, we'll believe his "Big Lie"
Isn't Joe an embarrasment to us and the whole world.
Is Joe the big stink in D.C., causing nosehairs to curl.
Can  Joe answer these questions, what's with the crickets.
As the Brit's would say has Joe caused a sticky-wicket.
Does Joe have a fiddle to play when America burns.
Has Joe ever heard of the law of diminishing returns.
Is Joe so close to the graveyard he hears himself whistle.
Why is Joe's hand on the trigger of our nuclear missles.
If my questions are pertinent, would answers be fitting.
From a senile old man who walks into the wind spitting.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/3/23
