A Day at the Clinic

They called his death accidental, the same with his birth.
His mother decided to birth him, for her own self worth.
The doctor objected, screaming "That baby must die"
His mother screamed at her doctor, "Why doctor why?"
Planned Parenthood sent you here, said he,"I work for them".
"So give me your baby, I must snip his brain stem"
Mom pulled her feet out of the stirrups and ran for the door.
She'd changed her mind, deciding she wasn't a murdering whore.
Doc grabbed a sharp scalpel, he chased her into the hall.
Time seemed to slow down, moving at a surreal crawl.
The baby was bawling , the mother was screaming.
Everyone who was seeing this, thought they were dreaming.
It was a scene seen in horror movies, a scene shot in Hell.
Doc was adept with his scalpel, he closed in for the kill.
Someone stuck their foot out, the doctor was tripped.
In the throes of his bloodlust with his scalpel he ripped.
Disemboweling a bystander in their offal he slipped.
He crashed through a window, and fell to his death.
 No longer bawling, baby drew  his first and last breath.
Doc's death they called suicide, Baby's death accidental.
Planned Parenthood dissed the mother calling her mental.
And the slaughter went on, another doctor filled in.
The demons reported to Satan, his face split in a grin.
God chalked up another demerit in the ledger he kept.
One day soon Planned Parenthood to Hell would be swept.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/3/23