Seeing the Forest

The Chinese are obviously prepping for war.
Joe Biden wants to deprive us of gas for our cars.
He thinks climate change more of a threat than WWIII.
Joe Biden has trouble seeing the forest through the trees.
Or could he be compromised, sold us out to Peking.
Becoming the willing puppet of China's Jinping.
Our Strategic Oil Reserve has been drained by this fool.
Who knows how many secrets are kept by this tool.
The Chinese are on manuevers, around the globe.
American's are suffering like the biblical trials of Job.
Our Savings evaporate, our cupboards are bare.
The leftists spend trillions, for us, nothing to spare.
We're looking straight into oblivion, Biden's oblivious.
Persecuting Donald Trump with crap that is frivolous.
Putin and Jinping got together and formed an alliance.
Joe Biden signs stupid EOs and demands our compliance.
Our border's wide open, to drug smugglers and thieves.
Sex-trafficking cartels, and anything else up their sleeves.
Our allies abandon us, trusting more in China's Jinping.
Joe Biden abandons American's, selling out is his thing.
The world's caught fire, a conflagration is brewing.
Biden's sole agenda is seeing we get a good screwing.
The Chinese feel emboldened, they're looking our way.
Biden and the fools on the hill, have nothing to say.
Gone to hell in a handbasket will be soon be our epitath.
 If Joe succeeds in guiding us down the communist path.
I know God is watching, he sees the mess we're al in.
Will he step in and save us from ourselves once again?
D.L. Crockett -- 6/4/23
