Biden Must Go

The family that sleeps together, gets off together, in more ways than one.
It's all there on the laptop, everything this Biden crime family has done.
Yet they're living the life of Reilly , living high off the hog.
How many times can they possibly get away with wagging the dog.
Or should I say "wagging the Donald" accusing him of more crimes.
Taking the spotlight off themselves by dropping counterfeit dimes.
Merrick Garland works for the Bidens, deflecting eyes off of them.
While persecuting the Donald, manufacturing evidence by whim.
The kangaroo courts are ready, to do what the democrats say.
There's no justice for the Donald, their goal is to put him away.
The culmination of six years of fraud, slander, corruption and hate.
The theft of an election, the worst government deception to date.
Watergate was a nothing burger, paling to what was done here.
They've abandoned the constitution, what is it these idiots fear.
Do they fear the Donald, or do they fear what Trump represents.
Do they fear the American people, standing up to their evil intent.
The will of American's matters, not the needs of slaves of the state.
Those who do the democrats bidding, thriving on chaos and hate.
Be all that as it may, the real criminals need to be punished.
The proof of corruption grows by the day and cannot be diminished.
Biden's place in history is assured, the most corrupt president ever.
That he's still in office is a connection that needs to be severed.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/8/23