Family Secrets

What did you do in the war, little Hunter asked Daddy.
I got a college deferment, I was really a baddie.
I beat up on Cornpop, no joke, I kicked his a*s.
I was too violent, the draft board gave me a pass.
Daddy, why does Uncle Jim call you a draft dodger.
He's always been a liar, he's a corrupted old codger.
Daddy, are you a racist, do you hate colored people.
I don't hate them if they're obedient sheeple.
Daddy, do you hate Donald Trump, did you really cheat.
Did you fix the election, did you think you'd be beat.
Why all the questions, who's putting ideas in your head.
I thought I raised you to do whatever I said.
Daddy, why did you give me drugs when I was ten.
Why did you bring me whores, did you want me to sin.
I did it for you Hunter, so you'd be a strong man.
So you could lead our crime family if I no longer can.
Daddy, what happened to my share of the Chinese lucre.
Shouldn't 5 million dollars still be paying for hookers.
Don't speak so loudly, the walls could have ears.
Don't be blabbing our secrets, if you hold your life dear.
Daddy, would you kill me claiming I died in Iraq.
If I went State's evidence and stabbed you in the back.
All right Hunter, I hear you, there's drugs on the way.
More high priced hookers with which you can play.
Daddy why did mommy Jill say I'd be disappeared.
If I let the truth slip out would your story be queered.
I still love you Daddy, you can still count on me.
One more question Daddy, would you rat on me.
Would you throw me to the wolves, so you could go free.
Daddy do you believe that what goes around, comes around.
It could be you Daddy, that winds up underground.
I'm just saying Daddy, sometimes I feel so scared.
I think I'm headed for prison, I don't think I'll be spared.
If the cops come knocking, you take that strycnine pill.
Believe me in two shakes of a hat, we'll be together in Hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/9/23