Who’s the Criminal

The demonrats are  disgusting, filthy communist scum.
Backing themselves into corners, there is no escape from.
I'm not surprised at their perfidy, I'm not demoralized.
If their sh*t hits the fan, we'll see which way it flies.
Right back in their faces, they'll be covered in stool.
With sh*t on their mugs, will they still think they're cool.
What they're doing to Trump, is with evil intent.
Guess who's footing the bill for the millions they've spent.
On their neverending witchhunt, they're campaign of hate.
Their attack on America, by this weaponized state.
More election interference, the only way they can win.
Is to forcefeed us 4 more years of Biden's asinine grin.
It's all going to backfire, maybe this time they'll learn.
They don't have any more bridges, they haven't burned.
They've gone to the Trump well too damn many times.
While doing their best to ignore Joe Biden's crimes.
Biden tells us he's honest, only a fool believes that.
He's the most corrupt president ever, a demonic rat.
This attack on Trump, is preposturous on it's face.
It's obvious demonrat bias, wrong time and wrong place.
I hope Desantis is watching, the same will happen to him.
I hope his balls are steel, or his future could be grim.
If they can't win honestly, they're going to cheat.
It's Joe Biden who should be feeling the DOJ's heat.
But here he is in front of us, running his big mouth.
He's the one who belongs in prison, I hope to shout.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/10/23
