New World Disorder

The assault has become pandemic, a human spread social disorder.
The carriers are the demonrats, their plague is overwhelming our border.
There are no vaccinations, there is only one known feasible cure.
It is to stand up and speak out, we've had all we can endure.
Our lives are disrupted by evil, our dreams are no longer allowed.
We must praise perverts and pedos, make them feel proud.
Every promise is made to be broken, every lie said with a smile.
Every lie told has a planned coverup, with rehearsed denial.
Every promised entitlement is a bribe, only meant to buy votes.
Every sort of evil is applauded, we become unwilling scapegoats.
Every minority is pandered too, more are created each day.
Everyday they preach inclusivity, while pushing millions away.
  We must all pay our fair share, meaning all that we've got.
To see it given to deadbeats, it's the way votes are bought.
Everyday the left grows more brazen, promises become threats.
The left threatens our well being, leaving us drowning in debt.
Their mantra, Social justice and Equity, are their license to steal.
Screw their brand of equity, Biased justice is their new deal.
Democrats are an embarrassment, whack jobs and mental deficients.
No qualities means lousy leaders, their skills are nonexistent.
Every immoral behaviour accepted, every pervert given kudos.
They do not deserve our respect, jacka**es dressed up in tuxedos.
A sick taste is left in our mouths, their bad odor lingers around.
In this mockery of America, where real justice cannot be found.
The fools have risen to power, forcefeeding us their nightmare.
Legions of leaders in empty suits, bringing us naught but despair.
Everything is stood on it's head, it's us who deny their free speech.
I guess it's par for the course, expected from a bloodsucking leech.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/13/23
