A Message to Joe

Bring our gas prices back down you incompetent schumck.
You've found what you're good at, as a leader you suck.
As a democrat communist hack, you're one of the worst.
 No one on earth is as adept at putting Joe Biden first.
Gas prices are rising, and you've got nothing to say. 
Besides telling us the economy's booming and we'll be okay.
You're not to be trusted, you've never been on the level.
Besides being a pawn of Xi Ping, did you sell out to the devil.
When you told us you were honest, you didn't say "it's no joke"
Was it a slip of your tongue, Is you're being honest a joke.
Inflation is growing through the roof, on all that we buy.
Your words have no honest value, you only spread lies.
You're an evil sock-puppet, with your head up your ass.
Next time you're with Hunter give that glass dick a pass.
The vultures are circling, you look like warmed over carrion.
Imagine exhortations for unity by a closeminded sectarian.
With you the lies and the pandering, spew from your mouth.
That you don't drown in BS doesn't mean there's a drought.
It's all lies and more lies, constantly stretching the truth.
By a sick, twisted old racist, grown too long in the tooth.
You were elected through deception, the demonrat touch.
When rightly accused, you and yours protest too much.
Making mountains from molehills, you turned into a science.
You've grown the government tit to destroy self-reliance.
There's no honest bone in your body, or thought in your head.
There's no honest man who believes anything you've said.
You're no balm for America, you're like a poisonous rash.
The best thing for America is  tossing you with the trash.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/10/23