Maxine Waters is racist, she wants more dead black babies.
She’s echoed by Ms. Beetlejuice no ifs, ands, butts or maybes.
Maxine exhorts radicals, to defy the U.S. Constitution.
She verbally supports attacking, burning down our institutions.
How is this not inciting, calling for a Leftist insurrection.
Is she so tied up with hate, she has no self-reflection.
Radical, racist minorities, who encourage racist riots.
Looking in their mirrors, they might see the real bigots.
These fools have taken oaths, to defend and to protect.
The U.S. Constitution, instead they show it disrespect.
From the MSM, its crickets, they defend these racist rants.
There’s no one on the left who wears the big boy pants.
They’re all just little people, big ideas in little minds.
Pushing destructive agendas, tunnel vision, wearing blinds.
A.O.C., Chuck U. and Nancy, gleefully, cheer them on.
Their grasp on all reality, has disappeared and gone.
Their commie, marxist dogma, blinds them to the truth.
And so they’ve raised an army of brainwashed hitler youth.
Mask wearing, rioting robots, sanctioned by the left.
Their wave of destruction, across the land has swept.
The left instigates revolution, aka, the great reset.
It will blow up in their faces, they ain’t seen nothing yet.
A day of reckoning is coming, as it always will.
Good people will rise up and send these ghouls to Hell.
D.L. Crockett — 7/16/22