Singing Joe’s Malaises

I'm sick of government corruption, I'm sick of demonrat crooks.
I'm sick of this president, I'm sick of his clueless stupid look.
 How can any patriotic American, watch this charade every day.
How can they come away thinking that everything is okay.
Are all democrats really stupid, I'm curious what's in their minds.
Be they black, white, brown or insipid, or all wearing blinds.
I'm sick of Merrick Garland, what a leftist unjustified schmuck.
Acting as Joe Biden's stooge, catching every passed buck.
Throw the FBI's Wray in the mix, suddenly they're all weaponized.
Doing Joe Biden's bidding, and the bunny is soon  reenergized.
Biden Thinks he's untouchable, that he won't pay for his crimes.
If we had a real Department of Justice, he'd be doing time.
Instead we have Joe Biden lying, telling us he is honest.
I see a lying piece of crap, stupid enough to think he's conned us.
He's an affront to our intelligence, a sad excuse for a real man.
Causing chaos and destruction with his ridiculous demonic plans.
Biden is the perfect empty vessel, to unflinchingly do Satan's will.
Biden's sole talent is doing nothing, done with consumsate skill.
He carries water for pedophiles, he's for mutilation of children.
He shuffles around like a numb bot, shouting yay for abortion.
After 2 long hours of doing nothing, poor Joey's soon tuckered out.
He seems to visibly wind down, as he fills with daily self-doubt.
His eyes empty of their color, his words trip up in his mouth.
Anyone watching this trainwreck sees his mind has gone south.
I think it is then clearly evident, the press conference is through.
As Joe shuffles stage left and disappears from our view.
Was anything pertinent learned, was any new info gleaned.
Besides realizing that Joe is abused and we've been demeaned.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/18/23