Birthing units, how impersonal can we get.
When will this blatant insultantly stupid sh*t quit.
College professors can’t answer the simplest of questions.
Without hemming and hawing and prolonged hesitation.
Being woke should be embarassing, to these maroons.
These disinformation spreading, elitist goons.
Don’t send your kids to be taught by these fools.
Critical thinking is no longer taught in our schools.
It’s all woke ideology, To brainwash young minds.
Teaching them nothing but how to wear blinds.
The left wants pliable puppets they can control.
Young malleable minds, they can mold, is their goal.
The 3 -R’s are out the window, replaced with claptrap.
Leftist Marxist dogma, force-fed, government pap.
They’re cheating the kids of meaningful futures.
In favor of communism and the chaos it nurtures.
It’s indoctrination on steroids, a most insidious evil.
A whole generation infected with brain-eating weevils.
Teach your kids at home, far away from these schools.
Their lifes will be ruined if they’re turned into woke fools.
They’ll be lifelong victims, and they will blame you.
Life’s lessons you’ve taught, they’ll learn are untrue.
D.L. Crockett — 7/17/22