Looking Forward to Nothing

If our dollar is completely devalued, will our gold be spent buying yuans.
What can we do when our government is run by dishonest demonrat cons.
Or we'll be stuck with a digital dollar, do we even know what that means.
Will they still be called greenbacks, if our computer screen is turned green.
We'll be the a-holes and idiots, for letting these fools do this to us.
We sat back and let this crap happen, to cowardly to make a big fuss.
 Something is seriously wrong, when we acquiesce to communist goons.
How the hell is an a-hole like Biden, running the show, calling the tune.
We let the left steal an election, we let them persecute a good man.
We must conform to their insanity, and accept their whole stupid plan.
The hogwash they call inclusivity, at the same time wanting diversity.
The only thing I see them doing, is delivering their dream of adversity.
Eagerly sowing misfortune and chaos, smugly laughing in our faces.
The last thing they want is unity, that's why they instigate the races.
They claim white folks are all racists, haters of brown skins and black.
These democrat white virtue signalers, stick knives in America's back.
It's easy to pander to morons, when passing out mountains of cash.
At the same time filling their pockets to add to their personal stash.
America has come to a crossroads, Drain the swamp we might survive.
If we allow d-rats to run things, it's likely no one gets out alive.
One morning we're going to get up and see a fiery blush to the sky.
Meaning we've been hit with EPMs and our society will assuredly die.
 Causing a global conflagration, in which half of all humans would perish.
Is this the dream of the Marxists, the new world order they cherish.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/18/23
