Dream a Commie Dream

They wore out their welcome, we welcomed that.
Nobody can respect these dishonest demonrats.
They wore out their welcome, why won't they leave.
Their sole mission in life, is to lie and deceive.
The same lies are repeated daily, ad nauseam.
By the same old hacks who belong in museums.
We're expected to listen and like trained seals clap.
 We know what they're saying is repackaged crap.
The same preposterous lie, wearing a new pretty bow.
Like their communist dream, the same failed show.
They dismiss the slaughter, the millions of deaths.
The millions of innocents, who no longer draw breath.
No matter the wars, all the blood , guts and the gore.
It's time for the world, to be tortured some more.
This time it will work, it will be the new world order.
A world free of travail, free of chaos and disorder.
It's still the same stupid pipedream, the marxist lie.
All it needs for success is countless millions to die.
The fewer folks to suppress, the tighter the control.
With world dominion the communists final goal.
It's why China's depopulating, too many people.
The smaller population means obedient sheeple.
Less for the downtrodden, more for the elites.
Less starvation and famine, more faith in deceit.
It's coming to America, that's been guaranteed.
People are going to die, people are going to bleed.
That we'll be happy with nothing is a communist lie.
Nothing about communism, equals pie in the sky.
It's all about oppression, the rulers vs lower classes.
One percent of the people lord it over the masses.
There's no commie paradise, it's Hell on earth.
Where humans are devalued, robbed of self-worth.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/19/23