Don’t Buy the Lies

If Satan told the truth, and promised doom and damnation.
Would you still foolishly squander God's promised salvation.
Would you still fill your pockets with Satan's proffered baubles.
Would you submit yourself to Satan's spiritual hobbles.
Would you denounce Christ's sacrifice, giving you life after death.
 Would you prefer drug addiction, the living death of meth.
Would you accept your damnation, knowing earth is not paradise.
 Can't you realize somethings missing and pray to God for advice.
God will not steer you wrong, it is never to late to repent.
Satan is after your soul, destroying your life is his only intent.
He won't tell you the truth, that's why he's the master of lies.
Wanting to steal your eternity, reward you with death when you die.
Temporal vices are his weapons, for pulling you off the right path.
Satan's lies will not shield you when God exercises his wrath.
You can't take your treasures with you when it's your time to go.
When you stand before God, it's best you have a contrite soul.
It's best to get back in God's Grace, it's best to start here.
The turn of the lost sheep is what our Savior holds most dear.
His death was a sacrifice, the atonement for me and you.
The joy of repentance and forgiveness, will make us all new.
Disregard Lucifer's litany of lies, he has nothing to offer.
Compared to the Salvation our loving God proffers.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/22/23