Closing the Books

Hunter Biden gets a pass, who would've guessed.
How can a family so evil, seem like they're blessed.
How does this crap happen, who's buying favors.
It wouldn't happen for you or me or our neighbors.
The corruptocrats on the left, don't even get busted.
Deals are already in place, who the hell can be trusted.
Hundreds of laws were broken, he gets a slap on the wrist.
It's a double standard for D-rats, we all should be pissed.
Hunter smirks in our faces, why should he ever worry.
The DOJs got his back, to cover his back how they scurry.
I'm sure Joe won't pay either, what he did was treason.
He won't be indicted and we won't hear a reason.
Criminals walk, no one squawks, we all rue this day.
The power brokers have spoken, The Biden's won't pay.
There's a need for grifters, they have a place in D.C.
Bargains are made with the devil, and scumbags go free.
Joe feels more secure, knowing Hunter won't roll.
To kill or silence his crime family must be Joe's goal.
Hunter's got a clean slate, he can backslide again.
He's free to return to his life of debauchery and sin.
He's free to be Daddy's message boy to the Chinese.
Selling Out our republic while Joe rakes in the cheese.
The attention is off the Biden's, the spotlights on Trump.
And any other conservative, the left wants to dump.
It's called biased justice, and it's shamelessly served.
Always on the innocent, and always undeserved.
Someone has to pay, to bad it's not democrat crooks.
They smile in our faces saying, that closes the books.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/21/23
