Time For a Change

The FBI and ATF must be defunded, these  agencies are out of control.
As an enforcement arm for the Bidens, They've dug themselves into a hole.
They intentionally protected Hunter, By not investigating his crimes.
Now we have whistleblowers, coming forward to start dropping dimes.
Surprise, surprise, the FBI is rife with corruption, weaponized by the left.
They've lost their sense of direction and into the fire they've leapt.
The Attorney General, Merrick Garland, needs to be resting his neck.
Locked up in the bowels of a prison, for guiding us into this wreck.
The Watergate scandal was peanuts, to the crap that's happening now.
All done to protect the Biden's like they're some kind of sacred cows.
The proof of their crimes is out there, Garland is dragging his feet.
It's time Garland is out of the picture, for congress to turn up the heat.
 Start with the impeachment of Biden, It's time his crap hits the fan.
He's guilty of treason and malfeasance, making every dollar he can.
He's compromised by his actions by communist China and Ukraine.
He ran an influence peddling crew, he was the "Big Guy" the brains.
The Biden's raked in millions, How many state secrets were sold.
The loot is stashed in offshore banks, maybe in untraceable gold.
It's time to hold feet to the fire, it's time for Joe Biden to pay.
America will not survive, with all the corruption happening today.
These criminals infesting high places, need to be taken down.
It's time for a change in D.C., starting with corruptocrat clowns.
It's time we salvage our values, time to return to our senses.
It's time we start electing honest leaders, time to mend broken fences.
D. L. Crockett -- 6/24/23