It Could Happen

The demonrats are turning vicious, their sharp little teeth are bared.
Biden's ship of state is sinking, it's starting to look like they're scared.
The truth is overtaking their lies, the writing can be seen on the wall.
 Biden's approval is slipping, The democrats doubledown on their gall.
 The old accusations are flying, the same stupid crys of "Conspiracy"
But anyone with half a brain, is developing a believable theory.
There's corruption in high places, walls are starting to crumble.
Joe Biden will be taken down, his ego will take a huge tumble.
Merrick Garland will scramble, like a crazed rat with fear in it's eyes.
The hounds are hot on his heels, he's sweating, hearing their cries.
Whistleblowers will exit the woodwork, with the same story to tell.
With Garland as Attorney General, the DOJ became living Hell.
Garland is a pawn of Joe Biden or whoever's pulling his strings.
The whistleblowers are lining up and oh how the choir will sing.
The MSM is starting to turn, more rats abandoning Joe's ship.
Jeanne Pierre, is passing the buck, totally losing her grip.
The Biden crime family will panic, someone is going to roll.
Joe could resign, fleeing to China, saving his a*s is Joe's goal.
Hunter will be found in the basement, high as a kite on crack.
Not even feeling the knife, his father left stuck in his back.
Jill will of course flee with Joey, her babysitting's not through.
The Whitehouse will be disinfected, repainted just like new.
Joe's cabinet will show up at CNN, they'll hire the whole oddball crew.
Charges against Trump will be dropped, he'll get his second term.
Finally our faith in our God and Republic will be reaffirmed.
The shining city will return, the world will shake off impending doom.
Joe and Jill will be held incognito, Xi's guest in a basement room.
The rotten smell in D.C. will vanish, the air will be purified.
Perhaps the democrats will learn, the truth will not be denied.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/24/23
