Charade or Parade

The pedos are marching, the idiots cheer.
A whole month is perverted, to celebrate queer.
The trannies transforn, the drag queens twerk.
Joe Biden is drooling, wearing his smirk.
Kiddies are clapping, at pretty vainbows.
Anyone born with morals, is holding their nose
Naked old perverts on bikes without seats.
Trannies in clownsuits profferring treats.
Parents are drunkards, or maybe don't care.
Minds fixed on displaying rainbow colored hair.
Entertaiment for morons by skanky old twits.
Fools with fake boobs and reversible clits.
Next time they're demanding a year of pride.
 Their new thing is complaining about trannycide.
Out of the woodwork they slither and crawl.
Full of themselves and outrageous gall.
They're coming for our children, they're chanting.
They've lost their charm, no longer enchanting.
It's trolls in our faces, nitwits on parade.
It's evil gone wild, an unhuman charade.
When pride month is over, they won't disappear.
What I'm hearing is "They're queer and they're here"
Proud to be pedos, wolves disguised as old grannies.
Some masquerading as perverted nannies.
It almost seems like fairy tales are coming true.
Were they ancient warnings, of what pedos do.
The wolves in women's clothing, entrapping kids.
Destroying futures, transforming their ids.
These are demonic times with demonic people.
With demonic agendas, all of them lethal.
Protect your children from these demonic parades.
The month of pride is naught but an evil charade.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/27/23
