Tell Me About It

When due process is lacking, it means we're all screwed.
Bad behaviour is overlooked and the facts are eschewed.
Who needs their due process, when true justice is skewed.
When honesty's been compromised, by natural born liars.
Who else would they sing to but their gullible choirs.
What's so great about change, is it something fools want.
Isn't it just another empty promise, the democrats flaunt.
Why do they push their insanity, is it because they're insane.
Do they enjoy causing chaos, misfortune and unwanted pain.
Is there something they're seeking, some illgotten gain.
When free speech is suppressed, is it because they're afraid.
Do they fear their rush to destruction might be delayed.
Are they unknowingly brainwashed, skulls full of mush.
Are they all self-enamored of the nonsense they gush.
Are they unaware of the disasters they're apt to cause.
Do they strive to be crooks, do they love breaking laws.
Have they been forcefed the crap, spewed from their craws.
Do they think a handful of idiots is their majority now.
Are fake news and fake polls, the fake truth they allow.
What's wrong with this picture, if you're wanting the truth.
Stay away from the MSM's, biased broadcast booths.
Should we do our own research, damn straight we should.
If you're not a Joe Biden moron, most assuredly you would.
 Our Department of Justice, are swamp bottom feeders.
Biased and self-serving, here to protect our fearless leader.
It's been said and repeated, this house of cards must come down.
Maybe then we could elect, some honest republican clowns.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/28/23
