One Sorry Schlup

Joe Biden is upset, he's angry, he's been losing his cool.
He can't answer questions so he yells like some fool.
The honeymoon's over, the whole shebang's coming out.
Joey and Hunter are crooks, there's no longer any doubt.
They shook down the Chinese, they also extorted Ukraine.
 Filling many bank accounts, with millions in illgotten gains.
Their tracks were well covered, that's what they thought.
Hunter's a drug addled moron, he's put Joe on the spot.
He recorded his father and him, shaking down the Chinese.
It's obvious to everyone, they weren't shooting the breeze.
Hunter was demanding money, using Joe as his threat.
"You better pay us the money, or Dad will be quite upset"
It sounds like a shakedown, perpetrated by traitorous crooks.
If there's justice in America, the Biden's gooses are cooked.
There lays the problem, the DOJ has been weaponized.
Under Merrick Garland, justice has been compromised.
Investigations don't happen, they run into brick walls.
It's all about protecting the Biden's, a man with no balls.
Joe Biden is in deep denial, a man without any scruples.
He doesn't just double down on his lies, he quadruples.
The cat is out of the bag, Hunter Biden sure saw to that.
The walls seem to be closing in on the King Demonrat.
Richard Nixon was an altar boy, compared to Old Uncle Joe.
Nixon wasn't selling state secrets, or selling his soul.
Joe's body language betrays him, his lies always trip him up.
Joe Biden will go down in history as ONE SORRY SCHLUP.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/29/23