Old Glory

This day is for honoring heroes, no time for democrat lies.
We honor the Declaration of Independence, when Old Glory flies.
We don't need to hear speeches that don't come from the heart.
Or overused promises, that were nothing but lies from the start.
It is our time to celebrate, this great Republic we call home.
It is a great day for composing a heartfelt patriots poem.
It's a day to honor the founders, those brave God fearing men.
Who believed in integrity and honor, not science and immoral sin.
A dream that has persisted, for two hundred and forty seven years.
A dream that will continue on when todays smoke has cleared.
Many wars have been fought, many brave American's have died.
Now the left denigrates our Old Glory but are proud of gay pride.
Let's get back to the basics, let's make  Independence Day a month.
Let's honor our republic without the Left's constant affronts.
This is a day to celebrate freedom, not hear speeches from traitors.
Or to listen to fake platitudes from leftist communist instigators.
Let us drape the Capitol with Old Glory, this is America's day.
Let all these fake flags that represent nothing just go away.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/4/23

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