Brandon has cancer, Hunter’s cracked up.
Both are born liars, both think they’re tough.
Brandon caught covid, how could that be.
He’s vaxxed to the max, what’s that tell me.
It tells me he’s full of it, BS and hot air.
He’s surely fear-mongering, he does his share.
Hunter’s so proud of his own Pedo-Pops.
Both are expecting, a visit from cops.
Both are corruptocrats, compromised fools.
Both have broken a whole slew of rules.
Brandon’s insane, out to lunch Joe.
Hunter’s a movie star, he plays in the snow.
Brandon loves kids, the younger the better.
The truth will come out, probably in a letter.
One that’s anonymous, to who it concerns.
A Biden soap opera, aka, Joe crashes and burns.
America’s first family, an American tale.
About immorality, pursuing young tail.
A sign of the times, a book in the works.
In the halls of the whitehouse, depravity lurks.
Satan is smiling, so proud of his boys.
He wrote the script, supplied all the toys.
Hunter and Brandon will start dropping dimes.
Implicating each other in multiple crimes.
Brandon will end up, pardoning himself.
He’ll then pardon Hunter, excusing his filth.
Brandon will resign, they’ll both disappear.
Guilty as Hell, but now in the clear.
D.L. Crockett — 7/23/22