The Poisoned Trough

What a tangled web's been weaved, when demonrats deceive.
The bullsh*t walks, the money's squawked, nothing can be believed.
The rabbit hole grows ever deeper, the suspects list grows each day.
With a weaponized DOJ, will the corruptocrats just walk away.
Have threats been made, to protect the Biden crime machine.
Are we expected to believe that criminals are squeaky clean.
Once again the mainstream media keeps Americans in the dark.
Spreading their usual lies to which only the democrat  brainless hark.
It's all a giant GOP conspiracy, just another Trump-Russian ruse.
The criminals will walk as usual, law abiding citizens will be abused.
Money will be changing hands, silence will surely be bought.
The 5th will be overused, this is the biased justice we've got.
Nothing to see here, we're going to hear Merrick Garland say.
As Joe Biden smirks in our faces, turns and shuffles away.
Justice is always for sale, phony facts are better than truth.
The FBI has been compromised, full of suborned slueths.
Who can be trusted, does anyone in government still work for us.
Whistleblowers have come forward, to be thrown under the bus.
They're slandered and smeared, surely they fear for their lives.
If their backs aren't protected they'll be stuck full of knives.
The demonrats have hijacked justice, to serve only them.
If this is allowed to go on, our republic's future seems grim.
The left's criminal conspirators, must be brought to justice.
They must be convicted and jailed, removed from amongst us.
Marxism's head has once again been raised, let's lop it off.
 Our souls won't be sold to drink at the poisoned communist trough.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/7/23
