Don’t Be One of Those

We need more democrats, thereby, wide open borders.
We need more disquiet, widespread chaos and disorder.
We don't need enforced laws, thereby, we don't need police.
We need more criminals, bankrobbers, shoplifters and thieves.
We must welcome insanity, infesting America's streets.
We don't need security, we can offer handouts and treats.
They can clean up thier stool, or wallow in their feces.
After all, we're all humans, most advanced of all species.
Everyone deserves a fair share, because they were born.
Including illegal aliens, from other planets or foriegn.
That's the reason we pay taxes, we must feed the planet.
This kind of stupid thinking draws beggars like magnets.
We need to spend trillions, then be taxed for trillions more.
The government spanks us, thanks us, treats us like whores.
We need more crooks in government, more political hacks.
More drugs in the White House, more addicts using crack.
We need much less transparency, we need the corruption.
We need fewer honest politicians, more societal destruction.
If their actions were words, it's what democrats are saying.
All laws should be broken, laws are racist, not worth obeying.
Democrats thrive on the darkside, allergic to the light.
Their actions paint them as they're seen, a bloodsucking blight.
No one is so ignorant they can't see them for who they are.
Which means they're all in it together, fighting the same war.
They turn truth into lies, willingly accept the Mark of the Beast.
A table at which wise men and women refuse to feast.
The temporal fight is still joined, battle lines are still drawn.
It's time those astraddle the fence, decide what side they're on
Do they serve the devil, the liar, the master of democrat fraud.
They can still atone for their sins, and accept Almighty God.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/7/23