He abandoned his sanity and voted for Joe.
Instantly making him an ignorant schmo.
He bought into lies, brainwashing himself.
His wife noticed the decline in his mental health.
She begged him incessantly to return to earth.
To again take some pride in his own self-worth.
In return, he mocked her, imitating her voice.
He hung out with neighbors who were pro-choice.
He went out to protest, he looted and burned.
All his moral upbringing was quickly unlearned.
His wife in fear for his soul now openly wept.
He was now a woke puppet of the marxist left.
He called her a racist, he mocked all her views.
His place for the truth became the fake news.
He looked at her now with scorn in his eyes.
He started haranguing her with MSM’s litany of lies.
He discarded the MAGA hat, he’d so proudly wore.
He started calling her a Donald Trump whore.
Things quickly devolved from bad to much worse.
The day he came home in a dress with a purse.
He was no longer CIS, he said he was transgender.
He’d changed so fast like a frog through a blender.
Now he had pro-nouns he demanded she use.
Her refusing to use them was spousal abuse.
She grabbed up the kids and ran for the hills.
She would not expose them to such parenting skills.
She got a divorce, she married a man, not a woke fool.
She home taught the kids, no more public schools.
She heard her exhusband, had caught monkey-pox.
With his transgender buddies, it wasn’t a shock.
Life went back to normal for her and the kids.
The whole family now sported new MAGA LIDS.
D.L. Crockett — 7/24/22