Woke Doctors

A generation of woke doctors, Is just what America needs.
A med-school class of morons, blind to the red blood everyone bleeds.
Now white cannot be right, white of course deserves to be last.
The democrats will never be free of the racism from their past.
If they're educating the med-students they will learn to be prejudiced.
The whole point of being a doctor, you can be sure will be missed.
Critical Race Theory, will be shoved down our throats every day.
If your white and don't think Black lives matter, you can just go away.
They say they won't treat any racists, although that's who they treat.
It's the absolute height of hypocrisy, the left's practiced deceit.
They'll put up rainbow flags in every vainbow painted patients room.
With a giant Juneteenth flag that will spell America's sealed doom'
Unbelievers will flock to the red states, searching for some sanity.
Fleeing the blue states and their pursuit of immorally proud vanity.
Democrats are the party of racists, of course they claim it isn't so.
But everyone isn't a professor taught moron, so everyone knows.
Democrats cannot shake loose from their past, although they try.
Their lie filled rewritten history books, are never going to fly.
Their whole overused racist agenda, will lead to their downfall.
They can't change the truths God has chiseled into the walls.
They are always the racists, and that's who they'll always be.
They're trapped in their own history and can't set themselves free.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/16/23