Truth About Demonrats

Why do democrats pander to those dumber than dirt.
How do the Biden's manage to avoid their just desserts.
The FBI, DOJ, and the IRS, sure as hell aren't making a fuss.
We pay their salaries but it's obvious they don't work for us.
They cover tracks for the criminals, cover for the crooks.
It wouldn't surprise me at all, if the IRS is cooking Joe's books.
How maddening is it that the biggest crooks rule the roost.
The investigations are worthless the truth is never deduced.
The Biden clown car is packed, the culprits fleeing the scene.
Merrick Garland waves them on, justice don't mean a thing.

When is a crime not a crime, when it involves demonrats!
Politicians feathering their nests, in our face elitist fat cats.
Professional liars are trusted, corrupt thieves are respected.
With the help of their buddies, their careers are protected.
Corruption runs rampant, the compromised MSM cheers it on.
The demonrats have sunk to new lows, the Pied Piper is gone.
Blaming the innocent is prevalent, justice stood on it's head.
Democrat voters line up, cheering for the lies being said.
The cheese has been proffered, the pablum greedily swilled.
The American dream kicked to the wayside, effectively killed.

The brave souls who speak out, are slandered and smeared.
Fuel is poured on the fire and the truth remains obscured.
Phony aspersions are cast, the truth is always the target.
The demonrats greatest tool is the professional hypocrite.
Demonrats are quick to blame others, for their evil actions.
They must divide Americans into two distinct rival factions.
We have the folks on the right, who the left paints as wrong.
And demonic demonrats, whose morals and scruples are gone.
Demonrats don't build anything but their houses of cards.
When those houses crumble, they flee leaving America in shards.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/20/23
