BLM Ghettos

The demonrats want to build slums for immigrants on BLM land.
Another stupid communist pipedream, the demonrats be damned.
Another ridiculous evil plot to change red state voting demographics.
They can shove it up their butts, you can imagine my graphics.
No good can come from this, who do they think's going to pay.
Talk about starting a sagebrush rebellion, that won't go away.
They want to take away our freedom, in their plot for more votes.
They can't destroy America thinking their bullsh*t always floats.
They're already destroying the land for windmill and solar farms.
With no idea as usual who or what their stupid actions will harm.
The destruction to the cattle industry, taking food from our tables.
In pursuit of their damn pipedreams and communist fables.
The people's land turned into ghettos for tens of millions iof llegals.
Turning red states into blue, government built unlivable shitholes.
Screw the think-tanks where demonrats come up with these plots.
I don't say this lightly, may their brains fill up with blood clots.
These people are Satan's sheeple, brains merged with the devil.
Anathema to a sane society, always ready to sink to new levels.
Take off your damn thinking caps, dump the rocks from your head.
Move your as*es to Mexico, build your stupid ghettos there instead.
This land is our land, it's not for politicians wheeling and dealing.
It's time for the demonrats to get lost, so America can start healing.
It's time to quit your evil plotting and hie your butts straight to Hell.
 all you touch turn's to sh*t, your thinking's unsound and unwell.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/30/23