At the Box Office

How stupid do they think we are, what kind of morons are they?
Are they willing to go too far, destroying everything on the way?
Who the hell's writing their script, when America's soul is at stake?
It's like a crappy Hollywood movie, costing trillions of dollars to make.
Filmed by commie directors, with a plot line you'd expect at a wake.

When will we step up and stop it, shut this monstrosity down?
Replace the director and actors, with wise men instead of these clowns.
Who are the idiots watching, who's beating the communist drum?
Who are these defecters, who cheer on the demonrat scum.
Who are these clueless enablers who into the shark tank have swam.

Who are the hollywood scalpers selling tickets to America's doom?
Can we drive them back into the swamp, seal it off like their tomb?
I'm sick of watching this movie, the future we're headed towards.
The self serving gladhanding, giving each other scumbag awards.
If they gave a damn for America, they'd quietly fall on their swords.

Everyone with a part's a bad actor, why are morons and idiots cheered.
I guess it's a Bizarro production, filmed in Hell, the new Hollyweird.
So it fits if the directors are demons, it explains the diabolical plot.
It explains the communist tendencies of the witches stirring the pot.
It could be called a doomsday scenario, and like fools we've been caught.

We've heard the lies and promises, the leftist re-runs over and over.
We watch our lives being destroyed, we're no longer rolling in clover.
We're low paid extra's in a boondoggle, stupidly accepting our roles.
Knowing that we play a small part in America being raked over the coals.
We're given free popcorn to watch, the master of fraud fulfilling his goals.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/2/23
