Shot Dead in Utah

I don't want the FBI to kick in my door to shoot me dead.
Because Joe Biden's afraid of the truth I've Spread.
I don't threaten Biden I just point out obvious flaws.
It's not me who's the traitor, it's Joe breaking our laws.
Folks who fear spoken words pick up sticks and stones.
Then show up at your door wanting to break your bones.
Now they show up with tanks and guns and flash-bang grenades.
Obviously to scare you senseless, hoping mistakes are made.
Imagine a tank crashing through the living room wall.
You don't know what's happening, you have no clue at all.
They come at the crack of dawn when you're barely awake.
You're holding your gun for your own safety's sake.
That gives the FBI cause to put a bullet in your head.
To pump you full of lead until they're sure you're dead.
They drag you out to the sidewalk so neighbors can see.
What happens to dissidents when the country's not free.
They may have planted the gun, to cover their a**es.
An American's shot dead and they'll all get passes.
This is American justice the new communist way.
They Make sure everything goes the governments way.
You better not object, you can shut up and stand down.
When Joe Biden is coming and making a stop in your town.
To spew his bullsh*t and his stupid, evil, socialist crap.
The safest thing to have done is never open your trap.
Well one citizen's dead for no apparent sensible cause.
Does Joe even know it happened, does that give you pause.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/14/23