Justice Knows

Justice has been stripped of her blindfold.
Demonrats think justice must be controlled.
She sees their kangaroo courts, prejudiced judges.
She sees the courts being used to settle old grudges.
She sees money changing hands, witnesses bought.
She feels for the innocent who in these webs get caught.
True justice doesn't exist anymore, it's been weaponized.
The defendants become victims of the DAs many lies.
They're stripped of fortunes, denied due process.
Confessions are extorted, extracted under duress.
Justice has been hijacked, used to steal elections.
Grand juries indict anyone, it's a systemic infection.
From top to bottom, the DOJ has been compromised
Guilty until proven innocent, guilt already surmised.
Our tax dollars pay for the lefts kangaroo courts.
This distortion of justice, paying for doctored reports.
The judges are evil, a huge part of the deep state.
Delivering democrat victories, playing with folks fates.
Expanding the Supreme Court, is top on their list
They want justice for democrats, slaps on the wrist.
With the MSM in their pockets, reporting leftist lies.
Justice for other Americans, is now routinely denied.
Justice was for everyone when justice was blind.
Now justice is however democrats want it defined.
The left denies representation, to political enemies
Something adopted from their idols the commies.
Our freedom can't be stolen at a stroke of Joe's pen.
Justice must remain blind, if we're to see justice again.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/15/23