The Inanity of It

Election rigging, government election interference.
Don't we have election laws, some form of deterence.
Doesn't the DOJ work for us, don't we pay their wages.
All of these fountains of knowledge, communist sages.
Who can be trusted, on a ship of state full of fools.
One straight from the bottom of America's gene pools.

Persecution of candidates, unending prosecutions.
Slander, lies and perjury, good character executions.
Their goal, denying the hopes of the American people.
Building asinine confidence, in democrat sheeple.
It's disturbing, disgraceful, dishonest politicians.
Corruption in government, sleight of hand magicians.

Is there one single democrat who might give a sh*t.
One who our tax dollars are paying who isn't a twit.
Our hardearned tax dollars, support government leeches.
Like our usurper president, sunbathing on beaches.
Lahaina, Maui is burning, Joe Biden's catching rays.
When asked for a comment he says, "no comment today"
Demonrats know what they're saying, everything's spun.
They know the damage that they paid to have done.
They're all for the silence our tax dollars have bought.
They're quick to defend, every crooked demonrat caught.
They're hypocritical bastards, they can't ever be shamed.
It's a big part of their bylaws, demonrats can't be blamed.

It's in our face chutzpah, its always balls to the walls.
When caught in criminal activity, they won't take a fall.
Their backs are protected, their lies never corrected.
It's the mystery of the ages, that they're still respected.
The corruption goes unchecked, our tax dollars disappear.
The MSM covers their backs and its crickets we hear.

Its no way to run a country, its the way to destruction.
Our fates in the hands of posers without compunction.
Its dysfunction junction, its the fools on Capitol Hill.
Its a cabal of demonrat communists subverting our will.
Its time for an intervention, time for a return to sanity.
Time for a return to justice, no more demorat inanity.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/16/23