Damn The Corruptocrats

Down with the corruptocrats, UP WITH THE PEOPLE.
Down with these demonrats and their communist sheeple.
Long live our constitution and patriots who defend her.
Cast out the minions of the adversary, the pretender
Down with the adherents of Satan, the truly impure.
How much do the forces of evil think we will endure.
Stand up for the Republic, cast out usurpin charlatans.
Its time to call for the cavalry, bring in the Spartans.
Send a message to congress, and a warning to posers.
It's time for a return to sanity, American's want closure.
End the persecution of the innocent, indict the crooks.
 We are weary of Biden, we're not enamored of schnooks.
Return justice to the DOJ, impeach Merrick Garland.
He doesn't serve justice, his dream is Cartel land.
Close the damn border, stop this infernal invasion.
Impeach the liar Mayorkas, now is the perfect occasion.
Its time to take action, if we snooze we're gonna lose.
Its time these d-rat pretenders, quit making the rules.
Down with executive orders, damn Biden's damn pen.
We need honest folks in the White House, NO MORE SPIN.
What became of transparency, hid behind smoke and mirrors.
Liberty's come toa standstill, we're just spinning our gears.
Damn democrat virtue signaling with floods of fake tears.
Being talked down to by drag queens and transgender queers.
Its time we get down on our knees and ask God to step in.
To save us from ourselves and put it all right once again.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/17/23 