The Biden Malaise

Fearless leaders on the beach, he's kicking back.
While the constitutions is under a commie attack.
He hides in the basement, he tans on the beach.
He hangs on for dear life, a bloodsucking leech.
He's working for China, he's at their beck and call.
Who knows what sick secrets, are in his thick skull.
He doesn't know who he is, but knows what he's done.
Bidennomics is the greatest thing under the sun.
His minds in the gutter, he's a degenerate pervert.
Good grief, why doesn't he keep on his damn shirt.
He ain't no damn Putin, he's an old sack of shit.
He's an inveterate liar, with no subtance or grit.
He's quick to fly off the handle, lose his composure.
American's and the world, are desperate for closure.
Shuffling off into the sunset, or resting his neck.
Instead of driving America, into a war or a wreck.
His schmoozing's unbearable, what a sick creep.
When someone say's jump, he's too weak to leap.
He's warmed over death, on his feeble last legs.
He's the scum of society, way past the dregs.
He's the worst president ever, a wanna be king.
No choir on earth, wants to hear the fool sing.
But here he is in our faces, singing his own praise.
He's our greatest affliction, the Joe Biden malaise.
When the fools finally gone, will a lesson be learned.
 Will we make sure the commie bridges stay burned.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/19/23
