They raided Joe’s basement and rummaged around.
They were looking for proof, that he was a clownl
They found lots of pudding and pudding-pop sticks.
They found a dead dog, that couldn’t do any tricks.
They found a dead rat that was stuck to Joe’s head.
Someone was quick to point out it was his hairpiece instead.
They found Hunter Biden, whacking off in the tub.
The whole place stunk to high heaven of Vicks-Vapo-Rub.
They found a pile of laptops piled up in a corner.
Next to a pile of pictures of a naked Little Jack Horner.
They found “Out to Lunch Joe” asleep in his crib.
Big globs of pudding on his cheeks and his bib.
They learned rather quickly, Joey was packing a load.
They feared his dirty diaper was about to explode.
This ain’t no clown, one said, It’s a senile old fool.
That isn’t pudding on his bib, he’s been eating his stool.
There’s nothing to see here, said the agent in charge.
Just an old man in a diaper that’s about to discharge.
We were fed false information, thrown under the bus.
The only clowns down here, has got to be us.
They high-tailed it out of there and kept their mouths shut.
If they reported the truth, folks would think they were nuts.
D.L. Crockett — 8/11/22

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