
He reminds me of Obama, this poser, Vivek Rami-smarmy.
Two-faced just like Barrack, chockfull of the same blarney.
He even plagarizes debate lines first used by Barrack.
The GOP had best beware, he's got knives for our backs.
"What's a skinny guy with a funny name doing here" he said.
Right out of Barry's first debate, I think we're being misled.
Vivek wants a 59% death tax, sounds quite marxist to be.
He seems like a giant charade, barking up the demonrat tree.
He was a democrat in February, whats with his big switch.
We should stay off of his bandwagon, not fall for his pitch.
He's way too damn smarmy, his words don't ring true.
A democrat doesn't change so quickly to red from dark blue.
He came out of nowhere, even more so than Barrack.
Its a well rehearsed demohack trick, this undercover attack.
He has investments in China, he wants to control our fates.
He's in bed with big pharma, meaning vaccine mandates.
We'd best do our due diligence, and ask harder questions.
Such as, why become GOP, why the sudden D-rat defection.
We don't need a Obama clone, wearing the GOP red tie.
We don't need a smooth tongued poser who's so quick to lie.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/25/23