Equates To

Malfeasance in office equates to malfeasance in life.
Its evident in the White House, where corruption is rife.
Its infested our congress both the House and the Senate.
Half of the country's unaware, because the MSM spins it.
It isn't the demonrats, so say the left's hypocritical whiners.
No it sure isn't them, grooming children and all minors.

Dishonest politicians equate to off shore bank accounts.
Stuffed with illgotten filthy lucre in enormous amounts.
An honest politician is set up to be mocked and ridiculed.
Patriotic Americans are viewed as peons to be ruled.
We're supposed to be happy with nothing, they want more.
The more they get the more they want, political whores.

Inclusivity and diversity equates to injustice and racism.
Applied with the left's iron fist, coupled with blatant fascism.
They all carry race cards, to be used like NFL referees flags.
All demonrats carry them in their purses, pockets and bags.
If you dare to object to their policies, they're quick to come out.
Then words like hater, bigot, supremacist, are bandied about.

Equal justice for all equates to justice for us, not for you.
No justice for political opponents, only those wearing blue.
Department of Justice means nothing, it's all empty words.
Justice means nothing , if its meaning is politically blurred.
Justice can't be found, behind demonrat smoke and mirrors.
Its a futile cry in the dark, that this White House never hears.

Voting for democrats equates to blindly believing their lies.
Knowing that any questions, don't deserve honest replies.
Knowing that what Joe Biden touches, soon turns to shit.
Knowing that the democrat bulls**t is never going to quit.
It means more entitlements to you for selling your vote.
And a vote implied promise you won't be rocking the boat.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/25/23