It Goes Around, It Comes Around

Fair advantages cannot be allowed, everybody can't win.
The democrats must retain power, they must cheat again.
They must go to their think tanks, and unending scheming.
If they lose all we'll hear is their wailing and screaming.
They will ignore the constitution in their theft of elections.
They will bring back covid with lockdowns and new infections.
It worked for them once, it's part of their playbook.
More mail in voting is planned,  go figure, they're crooks.
The DOJ has been weaponized, to take out Donald Trump.
It's obvious to Americans that we're all being chumped.
Election interference is carried out right in plain sight.
They figure if they have Trump in jail, he's out of the fight.
But Trump isn't quitting, his popularity still grows.
 Democrats are to stupid to see, what everyone knows.
There will be a backlash, it will blow up in their faces.
They will scurry for shelter in their safest spaces.
Biden finds himself in a conundrum, he can't figure out.
His thinking is muddled as he bumbles and dithers about.
His concentration's been affected, that's a far stretch.
His legacy's set in concrete, he's a political wretch.
He's looking over his shoulder, who the hell can he trust.
 His being in hot water, has Joe completely nonplussed.
In the back of his mind he fears that someone will roll.
Unlike Satan he can't afford to buy everyone's soul.
Joe is in a hard place, all his bridges have burned.
Karma will always catch you is a hard lesson learned.
He sits in his ivory tower, with his head in his hands.
"What goes around comes around" he now understands.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/1/23
