
The GOP is disorganized, the demonrats stand together.
The GOP fumbles around, demonrats are hellbent for leather.
Too many GOP wusses, that seem to defend demonrats.
Too many on both sides of the aisle are elitist fat cats.
The GOP supposedly answers to voters, and try to be fair.
The demonrats don't listen, then profess how much they care.
Both sides control our tax dollars, a recipe for disaster.
It seems to be a mad race, to see who spends trillions faster.
The GOP believes in God, demonrats worship global warming.
There are no demonrat sellouts, the GOP sellouts are alarming.
Both sides are far to concerned with hanging on to their seats.
 Content to be facing each other on both sides of bushes they beat.
They all have well feathered nests, far beyond their income.
 Demonrats have the edge in being experienced traitorus scum.
The GOP carries more knives, to stick in each others backs.
Demonrats claiming they're not racists, is denying the facts.
It seems nothing ever gets done on either side of the aisle.
They line up in front of each other and do nothing but smile..
When up for reelection, we the voters hear the same rehearsed lies.
When both sides break their promises we all act surprised.
We get what we pay for, too bad we have to pay trillions of bucks.
The only thing we seem to get right is calling each other schmucks.
That's the way I see politics, in this age of chaos and confusion.
Both party's seem to be experts in sowing their form of delusion.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/4/23