Extrapolating Again

Why do democrats love and support the insane.
Why did they so quickly jump on the tranny train.
Is there a gay agenda, the one democrats deny.
Is the LGBTQ? running the DNC, could that be why.
Could the party of Satan, possibly be full of liars.
Is that the new composition of democrat choirs.
 Are there drag queens in congress, secret parades.
Is that what's behind the democrats two-faced charades.
Has it spread to the White House, it stands to reason.
Corruptocrat pedophiles, who are guilty of treason.
Everywhere we look now there are creeps in high places.
Perverts and whackjobs with licence to get in our faces.
Not just grooming children, they're grooming the world.
Any past democrat morals down the toilet have swirled.
They've become the Great Satan, a total rebirth.
Satan's taken over the limelight his stage the whole Earth.
So we have evil now glorified, our children in peril.
Threatened by a political party that has turned feral.
How do you stop the perverters, the purveyors of filth.
Why are they allowed to mess with our kids mental health.
Why are evil doctors allowed to experiment on the young.
Why are the praises of idiots ever allowed to be sung.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/9/23