Hear! Hear!

Romney's not running for reelection, what's on his plate now.
He finally got the message, he's not Utahs sacred cow.
He's a used up pig in a poke, a carpetbagging Boston creep.
A snake oil salesman, who put Utah republicans to sleep.
What could be on his plate now, maybe a job on fake news.
Like MSNBC or CNN, one of those TDS afflicted crews.
Romney bowed out with style with a slur against Trump.
Only one more year of pettifogging, by an egotistical chump.
A shapeshifting wannabe, whose allegiance isn't set in stone.
In Utah he disgraced himself, now he feels moot and alone.
 Maybe he will devote himself, to seeing Trump goes to prison.
Flip back to being pro-life, claiming he's a good christian.
Whatever the bum does, I hope he gets the hell out of Utah.
It's been six long years of him being stuck in our craws.
So what if Romney saved the olympics, he blew those kudos.
Once Trump Derangement Syndrome, invaded his noodle.
One more year is a long goodbye, Tomorrow would be better.
It's time Utah says good riddance, too long we've been fettered.
With a twofaced piece of liberal northeast backstabbing scum.
I'm sure he'll pop up on fake news beating his rino drum.
So it's out with the bad Romney, in a little more than a year.
Let's hear it for Trent Staggs, a real Utahn, HEAR HEAR.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/14/23