Time For a Rant

I'm sick of the demonrat bullsh*t, that gets worse every day.
Loaded on thicker and thicker, with us expected to pay.
Pay for their stupid agendas, that destroy our own dreams.
Pay for the taxdollars squandered, fulfilling their schemes.
I'm sick of their lies and denials, their hypocritical crap.
How the much deserved payback never lands in their laps.
How justice has been  weaponized to take down their foes.
How their manliest men are perverts wearing pantyhose.
I'm sick of glorified idiots, and a*s twerking drag queens.
Of fools living high on the hog with absolutely no means.
I'm sick of their mail in voting, their licence to cheat.
I'm sick of the demonrat playbook, its focus on deciet.
I've had enough of Biden's, Obama's, Pelosi's and witches.
Of rats in high places, and government scratched itches.
I'm not looking for handouts, coming from money they stole.
I'm sick of sychophant posers, and commie a*sholes.
I want a godsent pied piper, to get rid of these rats.
I'm sick of charlatan good guys, wearing fake white hats.
I've had enough of the pandering, cascades of fake tears.
I don't like seeing sissies, advertising  manly men's beers.
I can't stand woke companies, being run by college grad fools.
The companies are capitalist, what's with communist tools.
I want to see real movies, I'm sick of perverted fantastical crud.
Full of hollywood zeroes and transgender wannabe studs.
Most of all, I'm sick of Brandon and who's pulling his chains.
The dearth of honesty in D.C. and the mush that passes for brains.
Gas in my carand food on my table, is what matters to me.
To hell with this communist attack on our land of the free.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/17/21
