Oh No! They Wouldn’t

Instigating a race war, demonrats wouldn't do that.
Oh no! They're America's good guys, see their white hats.
Cramming communism down our throats, isn't them.
They're our idiot savants, the creme de la creme.
Always reporting fake news? Not the purveyors of truth.
There aren't any twofaced a-holes in MSM broadcast booths.
Kid-grooming in classrooms, don't transgenders have souls.
Oh no, expanding their ranks isn't one of their sick goals.
Criminals in the White House, theres absolutely no proof.
It's just another conspiracy, one of them GOP spoofs.
A weaponized DOJ, democrats don't manipulate laws.
Oh no! Justice is applied fairly, not stuck down our craws.
Trump isn't being railroaded, no ones filing false torts.
Oh no! He's gonna get a fair trial in DCs kangaroo courts.
An attack on our religion, demonrats are Christians too.
They just wear Satan's yoke, it's Satan's lies they all spew.
We'll all be happy with nothing, we didn't hear it from them.
Oh no! the future they've planned is a long ways from grim.
Demonrats are all hypocritical, they claim just the opposite.
They claim the republicans are the godless hypocrites.
Demonrats don't steal elections, they're the GOP's scapegoats.
Oh no! They don't steal elections, our taxes buy all the votes.
Squandering our taxdollars, they're not the party of waste.
Oh no! We should believe them, they're never twofaced.
Another four years of Joe Biden, all right, hip hip hooray!
We need four more years of this jacka*s in America's way.
Ten million more illegal aliens. We have plenty of room.
Oh no! let's make it 50 million, let's guarantee America's doom.
Four more years of Joe Biden? Why not, his task isn't through.
It takes at least 8 long years to make sure we're all screwed.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/20/23
