Orifice of Gun Violence

A new government orifice to stop gun violence.
This says it all, dummycrats have no commonsense.
Creating more government, won't make wishes come true.
They can't force American's to hold their stupid views.
They can't stop kids from playing cowboys and indians.
They can't change human nature like clueless Darwinians.
They can't force human beings to become human sissies.
Humans aren't going to change because d-rats get pissy.
It's always been an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
We won't listen to democrats who are raising the roof.
We don't need more bureaucrats telling us what to do.
A new pack of idiots, backstabbing demonrat shrews.
The dept. of gun violence, with d-rat wusses packing heat.
Chockful of fake outrage they're gonna clean up the street.
Maybe they should get serious stopping crime in Chicago.
Instead of persecuting an ex-president living in Mar-a-Lago.
No one listens to demonrats and their twisted ideas.
Or believes in their new world fantasy's fake panaceas.
If theres any threat to society, the threat comes from them.
Laws passed with a flourish of Joe's pen, on Obama's whim.
Let's get serious about crime and let the police do their job.
Don't worry about what the left says, the sissified snobs.
We'd all feel a lot more secure, with d-rats in their safe spaces.
Instead of in our face cowards, fomenting a war between races.
We see enough demonrat fantasy, the crap from hollywood.
Their hypocritical messages, pandering to their hoods.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/21/23