Ageless Buffoonery

The word BUFFOON is a perfect match for John Fetterman.
A LOONEY-TUNE GOON, a a real brain-fettered man.
Schumer's quick to cater to idiots and suck up to dumbshIts.
What passes for democrat leaders are despicable twits.
McConnell's a clown but he should be given some kind of pass.
He's well into his eighties and obviously he's declining fast.
He isn't running the country and he ain't running the senate.
He's caught up in a melee of clowns and to old to be in it.
The same with Senator Feinstein, she's just being abused.
She's been in politics for 50 years and her time has cruised.
The same with Nancy Pelosi to old to be chasing the power.
Her face looks like a pinched nerve, not her finest hour.
Moot Romney is retiring, finally showing commonsense.
He can take his carpetbags to Boston to sit on the fence.
Hanging in there for the party is in no ones best interest.
It's time for political elder abuse to cease and desist.
And then theres Joe Biden, the man with no sense at all.
Who can still read a teleprompter, but nothing writ on the wall.
Let's get rid of fuddy-duddys and set some term limits.
At the same time quit electing these buffoons and dimwits.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/24/23